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3) Click Clean and Restart (Highly recommended). When you’re done with the selecting, click Launch. 2) You can select Safe Mode (Recommended) or Safe Mode with Networking if you prefer, and we’ll go with Normal mode here.

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  • 1) Download and install Display Driver Uninstaller.
  • the erroe is there and is full on the event viewer. new cables where install, different monitors where use, both system have different os version, one 1803 and the other one is 1809 (testing) and both use almost similar specs. I have found this only happens in the lower power states P8 and below.I can concur with many, the nvlddmkm error is present on bot my rigs. Nvidia there is an issue with Power States of your RTX3000 and RTX4000 Series Cards I have scoured reddit for all posts related to High DPC Latency caused by nvlddmkm.sys.

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    Copy this file to System32 folder.Jan 20, 2023 Then, open the Nvidia directory, and locate sys_ file. After your computer reboots, head to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers. Install required drivers and restart your computer to apply changes.

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