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Insta gram story saver

insta gram story saver

Save Our Allies had someone in Poland who could help-a former special forces who had played a vital, unsung role in evacuating thousands from Afghanistan during the U.S.

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Jennifer Griffin, Fox News’ chief national security correspondent, was instrumental to the effort, connecting with her friend Sarah Verardo cofounder of Save Our Allies, an organization that helps extract people from warzones. With the US military unable to set foot in the country to assist, an effort across multiple countries began to get Hall to safety. Gravely injured, he was rushed to a Ukrainian hospital, where the severity of his injuries made it clear he needed immediate evacuation out of the country. On March 14, 2022, Fox News reporter Benjamin Hall was on assignment in Kyiv and reporting on the Russian invasion, when the car he was traveling in was struck by a Russian bomb.

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